
Saturday 5 November 2016

Sheffield, Peak District & Bakewell

Last week my boyfriend and I went to visit Sheffield - one of the eight largest regional English cities that make up the Core Cities Group, the most economically important English cities outside of London (next to Birmingham, Bristol, Leeds, Manchester, Liverpool, Newcastle and Nottingham).

Friday 8 July 2016

Avocado's glorious benefits: avocado toast (option with an egg)

I enjoy a good, delicious and healthy food. Particularly after a workout, I'm always looking to eat something that both tastes good and is quick in preparation. If you're still looking for your perfect, simple after-workout meal, then let me tell you: you've just found it!

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Travelling to Nottingham once again.

Nottingham's architecture, like in other cities, towns and villages in England, is a combination of old and modern buildings, that creates a specific and unique atmosphere once you enter the city.

Sunday 24 April 2016