
Sunday 24 April 2016

Sunday getaway: Bradgate Park, Leicestershire. H&M comfy acid wash jeans, Next oversized turtleneck & ankle boots, Stradivarius faux leather jacket

My boyfriend and I decided to take a Sunday getaway, and we chose to go to Bradgate Park located in Charnwood Forest in Leicestershire.

We've been to this beautiful park before, however, this time we've decided to take a look at what's on the other side of it. We have always wanted to climb the hills and get to the Old John, the highest hill in Bradgate Park, and also see a folly situated there from a close-up.  Ever since we came to this park, this part always fascinated us so we directed our steps there.

A fairly easy climb was pleasant, however, I need to admit it that shorten our breath for a few moments. Once we got there, the view from the Old John was breathtaking and impressive. We've noticed that nature only just begins to wake up from its winter dream, even though it's already the end of April.

Although I like big cities, sometimes I choose to spend time in nature. It helps me to forget about the rush and ease the stress often related to everyday life. It not only helps to improve my blood circulation (that is really poor by the way) but also it boosts my mood. Thanks to these trips, I stay focused and come back to my life completely refreshed and ready for new challenges.

Even by nature, I try to choose carefully what I wear. I'm not a fan of sports attire and I prefer not to wear it if it's not required. For this trip, I've decided to wear comfortable acid wash jeans from H&M, oversized dark grey turtleneck sweater and low-heeled grey suede ankle boots from Next. I paired it all with a tan faux leather jacket and tote bag in a similar colour, that created a casual look.

As always, we ended our day with delicious food. This time, we've ordered a delicious stew accompanied with traditional English cream mashed potato and green peas. Yum!

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