
Monday 14 December 2015

Protein wholewheat oat omelette

If you want to fnd out how I prepared this healthy and delicious omelette, keep reading...

Beat one egg and one egg white (I get rid of one yolk) with a fork until they're combined.

Add a flat tablespoon of wholemeal flour.

Mix the flour with the egg mixture using fork.

Add two big table spoons of porridge oats (you can add more if you like).

Mix the oats with already prepared mixture.

Heat a table spoon of coconut oil (or rapeseed, or olive oil) on a pan and pour the mixture.

Fry the omelette on both sides for a couple of minutes.

When ready, put the omelette on a plate and eat with favourite fruit (or vegetables, honey, curd/cottage cheese - depending on taste).


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